
Immediate Dumps
Conditional Dumps
Memory Dumps
File Dumps

Immediate Dumps

There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump

Immediate dumps can be specified using the ALTER SESSION command

    'immediate trace name dump level level';

Immediate dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG

    ORADEBUG DUMP dump level

Immediate dumps can also be specified using the DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV procedure

    EXECUTE dbms_system.set_ev (sid,serial#,65535,level,'dump');

Immediate dumps cannot be invoked from init.ora

Conditional Dumps

Conditional dumps are invoked when an error occurs

Conditional dump can be specified in the init.ora file e.g

    event="error trace name dump level level"

Conditional dumps can be specified in the current session

    'error trace name dump level level';

Conditional dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG

    ORADEBUG EVENT error trace name dump level level

    ORADEBUG SESSION_EVENT error trace name dump level level

Memory Dumps

Dumping the Global Area
Dumping the Library Cache
Dumping the Row (Dictionary) Cache
Dumping Multiple Buffers
Dumping Individual Buffers
Dumping Memory Heaps
Dumping Memory Subheaps
Dumping Process State
Dumping System State
Dumping the Error Stack
Dumping Hang Analysis
Dumping Work Areas
Dumping Enqueues
Dumping Latches
Dumping Events
Dumping Shared Server (MTS) Processes
Dumping Background Messages

File Dumps

Dumping Columns
Dumping Database Blocks
Dumping Indexes
Dumping Undo Segment Headers
Dumping Undo Blocks
Dumping Undo for a Transaction
Dumping File Headers
Dumping Control Files
Dumping Redo Log Headers
Dumping Redo Logs